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Code of Safe Practices

Our Code of Safe Practices training course will guide you through the process of implementing or updating a COSP that can be customized to fit the unique needs of your workplace.

Total price:$65.00


Our Code of Safe Practices training course offers an invaluable tool for improving employee communication, understanding, and adherence to the rules in your workplace. Having an effective code of safe practices (COSP) in your workplace is essential for proper safety and communication between you and your employees. This comprehensive course covers all aspects of safety in the workplace, from general safety to the use of tools and equipment and even electrical safety.

The Code of Safe Practices course also provides employers with an effective way to protect their employees while ensuring industry regulations are followed.


*NOTE – The purpose of this program is to define the requirements for employees who perform on your job sites. Its primary objective is to identify and prevent potential injuries or illnesses in the workplace.