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Our Cadmium Safety course will educate participants on recognition and control methods for mitigating these hazards. Learn how to identify and limit potential sources of harm on the job site with our Cadmium Safety training.

Total price:$65.00


With Cadmium Safety training, you can keep your workers and their work environment safe. When using cadmium-containing materials, proper safety measures are crucial as this soft metal can be highly toxic when not handled correctly. Exposure to cadmium is associated with an increased risk of cancer and affects a variety of bodily systems, making it important that employers provide adequate education on its risks. Cadmium appears in a variety of products from batteries to alloys, plastic stabilizers, and solar cells across all work sectors – including the highest levels in construction and manufacturing activities that carry certain risks for inhalation or ingestion.

*NOTE – The purpose of this program is to define the requirements for employees who perform on your job sites. Its primary objective is to identify and prevent potential injuries or illnesses in the workplace.