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What is an ISNetworld® Safety Rating?

ISNetworld® is a virtual company that manages the relationships between hiring clients and their contractors. Typically, contractors are asked to become certified through ISNetworld® by a hiring client before beginning a contract. This way, the client knows they are working with contractors that abide by standard safety regulations. An ISNetworld® rating is a letter grade issued to a contractor company based on the thoroughness and quality of its industrial compliance and safety standards. Contractors are considered ISNetworld® certified, or compliant, when they receive an A or B rating from ISNetworld®.

How is my ISN rating determined?

Your ISNetworld® letter grade is determined by multiple factors, which are:

1. Your answers to the 800-2000 questions in the MSQ® (Management Safety Questionnaire)

The Management Safety Questionnaire is a large component in all contractor applications for ISNetworld® certification. The amount of questions depends upon the specific needs of your hiring client. Your responses to these questions account for approximately 10% – 15% of your final ISNetworld® grade.

2. Company safety programs (RAVS®)

When applying for ISNetworld® certification, you will need to provide documentation detailing all relevant safety procedures and employee training programs applicable to the proposed contract with your hiring client. 

These safety programs, or RAVS®, are extremely important as they account for 30% – 40% of your final ISNetworld® grade. Your RAVS® must comply with both national safety standards and the individual safety requirements requested by your hiring client. 

3. Your official Experience Modification Rating (EMR)

An Experience Modification Rating, or EMR, is a number calculated by insurance companies in order to determine your workers’ compensation premium. Your EMR reflects three years of workers’ compensation data, and thus communicates to potential clients your history of workplace injury in relation to other companies in your industry.

If your company is too small or too new to be experience rated, then you must provide an official letter to ISNetworld® explaining your circumstances. Otherwise, your EMR accounts for 10% – 15% of your total ISNetworld® grade.

4. Official OSHA logs reporting workplace injuries for the past three years

When ISNetworld® considers your documented OSHA history, they typically look at your TRIR, which is a computation based on the number of OSHA recordables in relation to your company size and industry statistics.

If your TRIR is below your industry average, your grade in ISNetworld® will be unaffected. If your TRIR is above your industry average, then your grade will likely suffer. Sometimes, an especially high TRIR is enough to cause a failing ISNetworld® grade.

5. Insurance Certificate

You must submit your detailed insurance plan to ISNetworld® in order to prove that you have coverage for the full range of activities and services performed by your employees. If your insurance certificate does not meet the minimum coverage requirements for your company, then this typically results in a failing compliance grade.

It is crucial that your company has an appropriate, thorough insurance plan before applying for certification through ISNetworld®.

6. Federal Citations

In the process of vetting your application, ISNetworld® will search the OSHA and EPA databases for your company name. If they find that your company has been federally cited within the past 3 years, ISNetworld® will deduct points from your overall score.

Federal citations typically account for 10% – 20% of your final ISNetworld® grade.

How does my ISNetworld® rating affect my business?

If you are required to become certified by ISNetworld® before working for a hiring client, then your rating has a huge effect on your business. ISNetworld® takes two weeks to grade each contractor application, so a failing ISNetworld® grade can cause weeks of delay due to the time it takes to rewrite materials, reapply, and wait for the grading process.

Additionally, a failing ISNetworld® grade may deter clients from working with your company. 

A high ISNetworld® grade can have extremely positive effects on your business. Once you become certified, all registered hiring clients will have access to your contractor company profile through the ISNetworld® database.

If a hiring client is seeking contractors in your industry, they may consider your company as you have already proven yourself in the ISNetworld® system. A high rating communicates that your company takes safety and compliance seriously.