Our asbestos training course covers removal, transportation, installation, clean up, storage, and housekeeping of asbestos-containing materials. Knowing how to properly handle asbestos fibers while also following relevant safety regulations is critical in ensuring not just the safety of oneself but fellow workers as well. Our asbestos safety course helps you and your teams put proper ACM safeguards in place.
Total price:$65.00
Asbestos safety training is an essential part of worker education. Your teams need to know what to do when in contact with materials containing asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that is commonly found in construction materials such as insulation and fire retardants. Once disturbed, asbestos fibers are released into the air which can cause health issues if not handled properly.
*NOTE – The purpose of this program is to define the requirements for employees who perform on your job sites. Its primary objective is to identify and prevent potential injuries or illnesses in the workplace.