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Access to Employee Exposure Medical Records

This program helps you stay in compliance with all applicable regulations for popular safety agencies – giving you peace of mind when it comes to staff health and safety. With detailed information about employee exposures available at a moment’s notice, you can trust that your workers are safeguarded from possible dangers more efficiently. Employers should take advantage of this beneficial resource today so they can ensure their workplace is as safe as possible.

Total price:$65.00


Having access to your employee’s exposure medical records is essential for reducing injury and illness risks in the workplace. With this program, human resource teams will be able to monitor any potential hazards that may occur on job sites and can take action to protect the staff and prevent further harm. The thorough and reliable access to employee exposure medical records provides human resources with an organized and structured set of requirements designed to identify, act upon, and prevent potential occupational risks.

*NOTE – The purpose of this program is to define the requirements for employees who perform on your job sites. Its primary objective is to identify and prevent potential injuries or illnesses in the workplace.